Verification and demonstration of an advanced adsorption reactor for cost effective CO2 capture

Ny prosess for aluminiumproduksjon uten CO2-utslipp

Combined calcination and CO2 capture in cement clinker production by use of CO2-neutral electrical energy – Phase 2 (ELSE 2)

Moving Bed Carbonate Looping – Phase III

Combined calcination and CO2 capture in cement clinker production by use of electrical energy – ELSE

Fixed site carrier membranes (FSCM)

BIGH2 – Enabling Pre-Combustion CCS Plants (SP 1)

BIGH2 – Enabling Pre-Combustion CCS Plants (SP 2, fase 1)

Vurdering av potensial, muligheter og barrierer for CCS fra biogassproduksjon i Norge

Conversion of natural gas to hydrogen and compressed CO2 using protonic membrane reformer technology — PROTONIC Phase II