Programme Board

The CLIMIT programme board is appointed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, and its main task involves comprehensive responsibility for the programme’s initiatives within the areas covered.

Arvid Nøttvedt, Chairman (NORCE)
Eva Halland, Vice Chair (Oljedirektoratet)
Sveinung Hagen (Equinor)
Marie Bysveen (SINTEF Energy)
Eystein Leren (Yara)
Hanne Lerche Raadal (NORSUS)
Kaare Helle (DNV GL)
Lars Petter Maltby (Eyde-klyngen)
Hildegunn Blindheim (Norsk Olje og Gass)
Marianne Ryghaug (NTNU)

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, represented by Espen Bernhard Kjærgård , is an observer on the programme board

The programme board convenes five times per year, three spring meetings and two autumn meetings.

The Programme Plan for CLIMIT emphasizes the realization of full-scale CO2 value chains and the development of forward-looking and more cost-effective solutions within the three focus areas that the Program Plan points to:

For each of the focus areas, profit targets have been developed that the activities of the CLIMIT programme will help to achieve during the planning period.

The program board encourages applicants to study the program plan carefully and actively use the CLIMIT secretariat for advice early in the application process.